Ammo SALE!
- Phone Number: 8016566527
- Condition: New
- Listing Type: Business
- City: Salt Lake County
- State: Utah
- Zip/Postal Code: 84070
- Local County (e.g., Summit County): Salt Lake County
- Listed: December 9, 2024 6:41 am
- Expires: 29 days, 2 hours
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Stock up today on High Quality 5.56, 7.62x39mm and 9mm.
PMC X-Tac M193 5.56mm at $470.86 per 1000 round case.
Belom 7.62x39mm at $267.59 per 480 round case.
Belom 9mm at $259.21 per 1000 round case.
Speer Lawman 9mm at $269.46 per 1000 round case.
PMC Bronze 9mm FMJ 115 gr. at $240.56 per 1000 round case.
Get stock up today before prices go up!
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Listing ID: 89965722796835b6