Brass Annealing Services
- Phone Number: Click to view
- Condition: New
- Listing Type: Individual
- City: Vernal
- State: Utah
- Zip/Postal Code: 84078
- Local County (e.g., Summit County): Uintah
- Terms: Must agree to terms
- Listed: November 24, 2024 9:09 pm
- Expires: 7 days, 22 hours
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I use an Annealing Made Perfect Mark II DB. You will need to have your brass sorted by head stamp and packaged separately from other calibers/headstamps. Your brass will need to be clean and free of any tumbling media, and spent primers removed! One piece of brass per caliber or per head stamp (if multiple headstamps of the same caliber are being annealed) will be sacrificed (destroyed) so the annealer can analyze that specific caliber/headstamp and provide the correct code for the best annealing. Each piece of brass being annealed (including the sacrificed case) will be 5 cents each for calibers up to .308, anything above .308 we will discuss as I’m not sure how long those will take per case!
If I have to sort cases it will be $5 per 100 cases, if the brass hasn’t been cleaned or deprimed I will contact you and either send the brass back to you (you’re responsible for shipping) or we can discuss a price for me to get the brass ready to be annealed.
You are responsible for shipping both ways or if you’re local you can just drop it off to me. You can send payment with the brass.
Please text me at for questions or ordering